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Marriage: Part 2

Testimony A Musician's Story

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Marriage: Part 2

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown


Rapper Eshon Burgundy and his wife Zara Hairston, share the triumphs and struggles of their marriage in part two of our Marriage series. Listen now.

Follow Eshon @eshonburgundy
Follow Zara @ZaraHairston

00:00 All I Need Is You Lecrae
01:16 - Come Alive Eshon Burgundy
03:49 - Come Alive Eshon Burgundy
07:09 - Bare Trap TJ Pompeo
08:56 - About You CJ King
11:26 - Love Never Leaves Tedashii
15:27 Bermuda Triangle Butta P
20:20 - Look Back Tandeace
23:38 - Look Back Tandeace
25:27 - King Without A Queen TJ Pompeo